2025 Frostbite Invite NGA -
2025 Frostbite Invite NGA
Start End Host Meet Website Gymnasts
2025-01-042025-01-05 Foothills Gymnastics100
Meet Scores
Team Scores  Show Personal Bests    All Scores  Level:   1N,  3N,  5N,  6N,  7N,  8N,  9N,  DN,  GN,  PN,  SN,  2BN
#Name Team Session Level DivisionVaultBarsBeamFloorAA

1Burgess, AmeliaFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.675 19.675 19.600 39.275 238.225 1
2Wang, HarmonyFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.600 29.625 29.675 19.250 338.150 2
3Prince, PresleeFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN B9.475 29.550 19.300 49.475 1T37.800 1
4Friedrich, MakynlieFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.475 3T9.200 59.650 29.300 137.625 3
5Bush, SkylarPerformance 1 SN B9.500 3T9.425 39.400 19.275 237.600 1
6Enders, VioletPerformance 1 SN B9.525 1T9.450 29.375 2T9.200 337.550 2
7Bolick, KreelieFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN B9.550 18.900 99.600 1T9.475 2T37.525 2
8Simmons, CosetteFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.175 79.600 39.450 59.200 437.425 4T
8Doxie, ZaryaFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.475 4T9.425 49.500 49.025 537.425 5T
10Campbell, SophieFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.250 89.375 29.400 19.350 137.375 1
11Simpson, IvoryanaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.700 19.300 38.750 7T9.525 137.275 1
11Iddins, EmilyPerformance 1 SN B9.375 6T9.525 19.375 3T9.000 4T37.275 3T
11Manifold, BrynnPerformance 1 SN B9.425 59.100 79.325 49.425 137.275 4T
14Sargent, SavannahPerformance 1 SN C9.625 19.300 19.175 59.100 237.200 1
15Vang, EverlyFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.300 6T9.450 19.200 3T9.225 337.175 2
15March, SaylorFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.350 3T9.225 49.325 29.275 437.175 2
17Lincoln, PeightonPerformance 3 PN All9.600 48.950 19.150 2T9.450 137.150 1
18Natho, AdelynPerformance 1 SN C9.600 29.050 39.425 19.050 337.125 2
19Crook, CoraPerformance 2 GN B9.450 3T8.700 109.600 2T9.350 337.100 3
20Coffey, AubreyFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.275 5T8.975 79.500 19.325 337.075 3
20Franklin, SarahFoothills Gymnastics 3 DN All9.175 29.425 19.150 29.325 137.075 1
22Wang, HebeFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.600 18.775 39.450 19.225 137.050 1
22Kinal, HazelFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.225 7T9.350 29.300 39.175 537.050 4
24Sejbal, VeronicaPerformance 2 GN B9.350 79.025 69.225 59.300 5T36.900 4
25Cone, AnnistonChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN B9.500 4T9.250 69.075 69.000 5T36.825 5
25Grant, MylaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.225 8T9.400 19.200 4T9.000 1036.825 5
25Stephens, HarperFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN B9.375 69.350 29.375 38.725 1236.825 5
28Mcclinton, RebeccaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 7N All9.225 29.225 29.000 29.325 136.775 1
29Crooks, AnnaPerformance 2 GN B9.075 119.100 39.150 79.325 436.650 6
30Mason, StellaPerformance 2 GN B9.425 59.050 58.900 89.250 736.625 7
30Brown, MelodyChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN B9.350 89.350 49.025 88.900 636.625 6
32Jones, GracePerformance 1 SN C9.550 39.275 28.825 78.950 4T36.600 3T
32Longo, AveryPerformance 1 SN C9.325 58.650 59.400 29.225 136.600 4T
32Salzer, StellaPerformance 1 SN B9.375 7T9.275 59.200 58.750 836.600 7
35Travis, AvalynnFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.475 39.200 19.300 28.600 536.575 2
36Farley, ZoeyFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.100 128.950 5T9.325 29.175 436.550 3
37Stine, AriannaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All8.850 129.075 69.200 5T9.400 236.525 6
38Wang, EmilyFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.300 69.050 69.250 68.900 636.500 6
39Clary, JadeChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN A9.525 19.125 3T8.550 49.275 136.475 1
40Nordlander, EmilyPerformance 3 PN All9.725 28.000 49.250 19.425 236.400 2
40Miller, AlbaPerformance 1 SN C9.350 48.725 49.375 38.950 5T36.400 5
42Aguilar, FrancescaPerformance 2 GN B9.125 108.975 79.200 69.075 1036.375 8
43Christie, SadieChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN B9.525 2T8.925 89.050 78.800 736.300 8
43Bentley, MarleeFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.200 109.075 38.775 69.250 236.300 4
45Rushing, EleanorFoothills Gymnastics 3 DN All9.200 19.075 39.200 18.800 336.275 2
46Sanchez, AlanaPerformance 3 PN All9.850 18.475 28.875 59.050 536.250 3
47Blakely, AvaPerformance 1 SN A9.225 39.400 28.475 59.125 336.225 2
48Dubreuil, KennedyFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.275 6T9.125 58.650 119.125 636.175 7
49Simpson, AveryanaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.675 28.750 98.675 109.050 836.150 8
49Moses, AzlynFoothills Gymnastics 1 3N All9.375 58.800 79.125 78.850 736.150 7
51Connelly, MakaylaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN A9.450 18.450 119.200 4T8.975 736.075 5
52Noble, AlexisPerformance 3 PN All9.500 58.150 39.075 49.300 336.025 4
53Herman, KinsleyFoothills Gymnastics 3 DN All9.075 39.125 28.950 38.850 236.000 3
54Carroll, HadlynPerformance 1 SN A9.150 49.550 18.000 69.175 235.875 3
55Branham, KinsleyChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 7N All9.150 48.500 48.950 39.200 235.800 2
56London, PenelopePerformance 1 SN C9.125 68.450 79.250 48.950 6T35.775 6
56Volk, AvaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 8N All8.925 39.000 18.600 29.250 135.775 1
56Jackson, LilyPerformance 2 GN A9.125 118.950 6T8.600 79.100 535.775 6
59Dubose, AustinFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.100 78.850 28.750 39.050 235.750 3
60Rogers, ParkerFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.350 4T8.600 128.750 8T9.025 935.725 9
60Cotten, SydneyPerformance 2 GN B9.275 8T8.950 88.200 119.300 6T35.725 9
62Gillespie, BrynleeChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN B9.450 4T8.225 118.875 99.150 935.700 10
63Bryant, LakynFoothills Gymnastics 3 7N All9.350 18.650 38.850 48.825 535.675 3
63Fleischer, JosieFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.225 98.800 89.050 58.600 1135.675 7
63Monroe, AdilynnPerformance 1 SN A8.725 69.000 59.200 18.750 535.675 4
66Branham, HollisChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN A9.400 28.950 7T8.475 98.800 1035.625 8
67Stevens, OliviaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.100 108.925 88.450 129.075 735.550 10
68Alozie-Wosu, IfeomaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN A9.500 29.125 4T8.750 38.150 635.525 5
69Mcbride, PippaPerformance 3 PN All9.650 37.550 59.150 3T9.150 435.500 5
69Broadbent, BellaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.000 118.675 108.925 68.900 12T35.500 11
71Ham, EllisonChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN A9.375 3T8.500 9T8.500 89.000 635.375 9
72Porch, AevaFoothills Gymnastics 2 GN A9.300 7T9.050 48.175 118.825 935.350 10
72Carlton, PaytonPerformance 1 SN A8.825 58.900 68.775 28.850 435.350 6
74Hawkinson, MaraChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 7N All9.200 38.000 59.275 18.850 435.325 4
75Abdullaeva, JasminePerformance 1 SN C8.825 78.525 68.975 68.950 7T35.275 7
76Byrd, AubreyPerformance 2 GN B9.025 129.075 47.925 129.200 835.225 11
77Bryant, AdelynFoothills Gymnastics 3 8N All9.300 18.725 28.150 38.900 435.075 2
78Johnson, MaggieChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 5N All9.400 28.350 18.250 39.050 235.050 1
78Flannery, EllaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 1 SN B9.075 98.600 98.700 98.675 935.050 9
78Long, SkylarFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All8.775 138.650 118.700 98.925 1135.050 12
81Fleischer, AdalynFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.525 28.725 47.750 98.950 434.950 4
82Dimov, SophiaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 5N All9.350 3T7.450 48.950 29.150 134.900 2
82Humphreys, AmelianaFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All8.950 88.300 7T8.625 49.025 334.900 5
84Boehm, JaneChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN B9.275 9T8.200 128.275 108.900 1134.650 12
85Pitts, KoriChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 8N All8.625 47.525 49.375 19.075 334.600 3
86Christie, NoraChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN A9.375 4T8.150 128.100 128.900 834.525 11
87Losby, GwenChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 GN A9.325 58.500 10T8.250 108.350 1234.425 12
88Sellers, AvaChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 5N All9.550 17.750 39.150 17.950 434.400 3
89Setzer, AllysaFoothills Gymnastics 3 9N All9.350 18.200 18.125 28.625 234.300 1
90Lewis, KaylinChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 2 5N All9.350 4T7.975 28.200 48.750 334.275 4
91Lewis, BrielleFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.150 68.450 68.300 58.325 634.225 6
92Watts, LailahFoothills Gymnastics 3 8N All9.075 28.000 38.000 49.100 234.175 4
93Aguilera, CamilaFoothills Gymnastics 1 2BN All9.125 98.000 138.050 138.900 13T34.075 13
94Umbel, AuburnFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.250 58.225 98.000 78.275 733.750 7
95Zoccali, GinevraFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All9.375 48.300 8T8.150 67.800 933.625 8
96Miller, BriannaFoothills Gymnastics 3 9N All8.950 27.450 28.350 18.850 133.600 2
97Pannebaker, SophieFoothills Gymnastics 3 6N All9.125 17.000 18.375 18.925 133.425 1
98Poarch, EllaFoothills Gymnastics 1 1N All8.850 98.675 57.950 87.900 833.375 9
99Templin, NatalieChapin Christian Gymnastics and Fitness 3 7N All0.000 59.250 18.500 59.150 326.900 5
100Bleier, KhloeFoothills Gymnastics 3 DN All8.750 40.000 48.150 40.000 416.900 4