My Meet Scores
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In the upper right hand corner of every MyMeetScores page you will find the Search function. The Search function lets you easily search for gymnasts, meets, and teams. If you don't know the exact spelling you can use the * as a wildcard. Search examples:
Smith - will show all gymnasts with a first or last name starting with Smith.
Alex*Smith - will show all gymnasts with a first and last name containing Alex Smith.
Elite - will show all teams named Elite something.
*Elite - will show all teams having Elite in it's team name.
Battle - will show all meets that has a name starting with Battle.
*Battle - will show all meets with a name that includes the word Battle.
Main Menu
The Main Menu shows the following options: Upcoming Meets, Completed Meets, and Help.
Upcoming Meets
The Upcoming Meets page shows all meets that have not yet completed. The meets are ordered by meet's start date. The page shows Start Date, Meet Name, Hosting Team, and State where the meet is held. You can click on the Meet Name to open the Meet page. You can click on the Host to open the Team page.
Completed Meets
The Completed Meets page shows all meets that have completed. The meets are ordered by meet's start date.
By default the page shows this year's meets only. Click on a different year to see meets completed in that year, or click on All to see all completed meets on My Meet Scores.
The page shows Start Date, Meet Name, Hosting Team, and State where the meet is held. You can click on the Meet Name to open the Meet page. You can click on the Host to open the Team page.
Meets that are displayed in bold has the meet scores posted.
This is the Help page.
Gymnast Page
The Gymnast page shows the name of the gymnast and the team she belongs to. Click on the team name to navigate to the Team page.
The page shows the gymnast's personal bests on the different levels she has competed.
Then you can find all the meets she has attended and all the scores.
Click on the Meet Name to open the Meet page. Click on the Session/Level/Division to show all the results from that Session/Level/Division.
Click on the column headings to order the table by that column.
Team Page
The Team page shows the following information about the team:
Contact, Website, Email, and Address
Click on the Website to see the team's official website.
Click on the Email to send an email to the team.
Click on the Address to see the team's location on a Google map.
You will see a list of all the meets hosted by this team.
Click on the Meet name to navigate to the Meet page.
Then you will see a list of all the Gymnasts that compete for this team. You will also see the Gymnast's highest score in all the events, the highest level she competed, and the date for when she last competed.
Click on the gymnast name to go to the gymnast page.
Click on the column headers to order the table in different ways. If you order by any of the scores, a place number is displayed to show how her personal best places her within her team.
Meet Page
The Meet page shows the following information about the meet:
Start and End Date, Host team, Meet Website, Location, and Adress
Click on the Host team to go to their team page, click on Meet Website to navigate to the meet's official web page.
Click on location to bring up a Google map of where the meet is located.
In addition you will see all the meet scores if the meet is completed.
Click on the column headings to order the table in different ways. Click on the Gymnast name to go to the Gymnast page.
Click on the Team name to see scores for that team only. Click on Session/Level/Division to show only those scores.
When sorting the table by any of the scores, the place number is added to the table.
Privacy Policy
In order to make your visits to My Meet Scores as easy and cool as possible, we collect information when you visit us. We believe an understanding of what information My Meet Scores collects online and how My Meet Scores uses that information is important to all visitors to our Website, and the following privacy policy statement summarizes those practices.
This privacy policy statement applies only to the information collected online by My Meet Scores.

Information Collected Online

General Browsing
My Meet Scores gathers navigational information about where visitors go on our Website. This information allows us to see which areas of our Website are most visited and helps us improve the quality of your online experience by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and services. Additional non-personally identifiable information (for example, domain type, browser version, service provider, IP address) may be collected which will provide information regarding the general use of our Website.
Using Information We Collect Online
All information available, is collected online from other sources publishing this very same information, such as Gymnastics Meet Sites and USA Gymnastics affiliated sites. We use information collected online to display results only.
Information We Share With Third Parties Since we do not collect any email addresses, we do not share any data with Third parties.
If My Meet Scores were ever merged with, acquired by or acquires another business entity, some or all of the information collected would be shared with this entity, as well as retained by My Meet Scores. Other than this acquisition or sale, My Meet Scores does not sell or rent any information to unrelated third parties.

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My Meet Scores uses a browser feature known as a cookie, which assigns a unique identification to your computer. The cookies are typically stored on your computer's hard drive. Information collected from cookies is used by My Meet Scores to evaluate the effectiveness of our Website, analyze trends and administer the Website. The information collected from cookies allows us to determine such things as which parts of our Website are most visited and difficulties our visitors may experience in accessing our Website. With this knowledge, we can improve the quality of your experience on our Website by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and information, as well as by resolving access difficulties. In addition, My Meet Scores uses cookies to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart and to tell us whether you have visited My Meet Scores in the past.
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We use third-party service provider(s) to assist us in better understanding the use of our Website. Our service provider(s) will place cookies on your computer and will receive information that we select that will educate us on such things as how visitors navigate around our Website, and what features are most used. Our service provider(s) analyzes this information and provides us with aggregate reports. The information and analysis provided by our service provider(s) will be used to assist us in better understanding our visitors' interests in our Website and how to better serve those interests. The information collected by our service provider(s) may be linked to and combined with information that we collect about you while you are visiting our Website.

Privacy Of Children
My Meet Scores is not directed at anyone under the age of 13, and no one under the age of 13 should provide personal information on this Website. Since the website is not sharing personal information (DOB, home addresses, gym addresses), displaying results for children under the age of 13 is acceptable and in regulations with USA Gymnastics organization. Please refer to more information related to this here.

For your convenience and enjoyment, our Website may contain links to other websites. My Meet Scores does not evaluate and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. We would urge you to review the privacy policies on each link to ensure that you are comfortable with their privacy policies and practices.

Updates to Privacy Policy
As we continue to offer our visitors new and different types of content and services, My Meet Scores may modify our information collection, use or disclosure practices. Should there be a material change to our information collection, use or disclosure practices, it will be applied only to information collected on a going forward basis, and we will update this privacy policy statement.

Security Statement
My Meet Scores limits the number of employees that have access to the databases that contain personal data, and My Meet Scores employees are advised of the importance of confidentiality.
Supported Web Browsers
My Meet Scores supports the following Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox 3.0+, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+, and Apple Safari 3.0+. Additionally, some of the site content requires Adobe Flash Player 9.0 or later.

Updated: March, 2012