Georgia All-Stars Gymnastics -
Georgia All-Stars Gymnastics
State Website
Hosted Meets
Start Meet Gymnasts
2025-03-14 March Into Spring 2025
2025-01-24 Winter Blast 2025
2024-11-09 Turkey Tumble 2024 275
2024-10-12 Indian Summer 2024 118
2024-09-21 Flip into Fall 2024 204
2024-04-21 2024 Amazing Athletes Unleashed (AAU) Invitational 204
2024-03-22 March Into Spring 2024 574
2024-01-20 Winter Blast 2024 326
2023-11-11 Turkey Tumble 2023 139
2023-10-14 Indian Summer 2023 174
2023-09-16 Flip into Fall 2023 137
2023-03-18 2023 March Into Spring 344
2023-02-04 Spring Break-Out 2023 227
2023-01-21 Winter Blast 2023 366
2022-11-12 Turkey Tumble 2022 115
2022-10-08 Indian Summer 2022 176
2022-09-17 Flip into Fall 2022 71
2022-04-02 2022 March Into Spring 177
2022-02-27 2022 Spring Break-Out 185
2022-01-22 2022 Winter Blast 408
2021-11-22 Level 5 Mobility Meet
2021-11-14 Turkey Tumble 2021 138
2021-10-03 Indian Summer 2021 110
2021-04-10 Amazing Athletes Unleashed 70
2021-03-27 March into Spring 2021 375
2021-02-27 Spring Break-Out 2021 299
2021-01-23 Winter Blast 2021 107
2020-11-15 Turkey Tumble 2020 48
2020-08-28 GASG Score Out Meet
2020-04-04 March Into Spring 2020
2020-02-29 Spring Break-Out 2020 314
2020-02-01 Winter Blast 2020 127
2019-12-07 Kick-Off Meet 2019 53
2019-11-16 Turkey Tumble 2019 158
2019-09-14 Indian Summer 2019 36
2019-05-03 2019 Georgia AAU State Championships 879
2019-03-30 March Into Spring 2019 178
2019-03-02 Spring Break-Out 2019 327
2019-02-02 Winter Blast 2019 333
2018-12-08 Kick-Off Meet 2018 85
2018-11-10 Turkey Tumble 2018 166
2018-09-15 Indian Summer 2018 54
2018-08-04 Tops Test
2018-04-27 Georgia USAG Levels 3-5 Spring Compulsory State Meet 541
2018-03-24 March Into Spring 2018 364
2018-03-02 Spring Break-Out 2018 303
2018-02-03 Winter Blast 2018 262
2017-12-09 Kick-Off Meet 2017 115
2017-11-11 Turkey Tumble 2017 346
2017-09-16 IndianSummer 2017 114
2017-07-22 Mobility Meet
2017-04-01 March Into Spring 2017 197
2017-03-11 Spring Break-Out 2017 344
2017-01-07 Winter Blast 2017 227
2016-12-10 Kick-Off Meet 2016 188
2016-11-12 Turkey Tumble 2016 306
2016-10-01 2016 Indian Summer 107
2016-10-01 Indian Summer
2016-04-02 March Into Spring 308
2016-03-12 Spring Break-Out 2016 497
2016-01-09 Winter Blast 2016 323
2016-01-09 Winter Blast 2016
2015-12-13 The Kick-Off Meet 2015 143
2015-11-07 Turkey Tumble 2015 202
2015-09-20 Indian Summer 286
2015-05-17 Mobility Meet
2015-03-28 March Into Spring 542
2015-03-14 Spring Break-Out 491
2015-01-10 Winter Blast 215
2014-12-13 The Kick-Off Meet 104
2014-11-08 Turkey Tumble 390
2014-09-06 Indian Summer 114
2014-03-29 March Into Spring 673
2014-03-15 Spring Break-Out 342
2014-01-11 Winter Blast 331
2013-12-14 Kick-Off Meet
2013-11-09 Turkey Tumble 420
2013-09-08 Indian Summer 2013 156
2013-03-30 March Into Spring 120
2013-03-02 Spring BreakOut 2013 222
2013-01-13 Winter Blast 374
2012-12-15 The Kick-Off Meet
2012-11-03 Turkey Tumble 443
2012-09-09 Indian Summer 211
2012-03-03 Spring Break-Out
2012-01-06 Winter Blast 384
2011-12-10 The Kick-Off Meet
2011-11-05 Turkey Tumble 339
2011-09-10 Indian Summer 119
2011-04-08 2011 Region 8 Level 7 - 8 Championships 555
2011-03-18 March into Spring
2011-03-04 Spring Break Out 503
2011-01-07 Winter Blast
2010-12-11 Optional and AAU Kick-Off
2010-11-05 Turkey Tumble 414
2010-09-12 Indian Summer 2010 217
2010-03-26 2010 Georgia Level 7, PO State Meet 518
2010-03-06 Spring Break-Out 485
2010-01-09 Winter Blast 404
2009-12-12 Optional Kick-Off 97
2009-11-07 Turkey Tumble 438
2009-09-12 Indian Summer Invitational 144
2009-03-28 USAG Level 8 - 10 State Meet 2009 293
2009-03-07 Spring Break-Out 416
2009-01-10 Winter Blast
2008-12-13 Optional Kickoff 242
2008-11-01 Turkey Tumble
Personal Bests
Name Level Latest Meet Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Adams, Ellie XS 2021-04-30 9.250 9.700 9.425 9.500 37.600
Agaraci, Danielle A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Aguirre, Emmy GE 2021-04-20 9.500 9.200 9.600 9.200 37.000
All Stars, Ga 4 2017-11-17 9.425 9.550 0.000 0.000 18.925
Allamon, Ava A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Allen Ferrell, Zoe 6 2015-03-20 9.250 9.550 9.425 9.725 37.250
Allen, Julia A3 2024-01-20 9.700 9.525 9.525 9.350 37.450
Allen, Lisle A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Allen, Talia A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Almay, Piper AS 2022-04-02 9.300 9.650 9.325 9.150 36.575
Almy, Piper SE 2022-04-29 9.650 9.450 9.350 9.350 37.550
Alvarez, Alejandra 10 2022-01-22 9.550 9.450 9.400 9.625 37.600
Alvarez, Gabriela 10 2022-01-22 9.225 9.600 9.600 9.600 37.700
Alvey, Sydney 5 2015-12-13 9.350 8.500 8.450 8.875 35.175
Anderton, Abigail A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Anne Straw, Kerry P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Arch, Hannah 8 2006-02-17 8.550 8.225 8.100 8.450 33.325
Arghir, Eliana 3 2024-12-06 9.375 8.450 9.000 9.425 34.950
Arterberry Thomas, Saniah XD 2019-05-02 9.400 9.375 9.250 9.450 36.625
Aston, Sophia AS 2017-05-06 8.900 9.400 9.600 9.475 36.550
Austin, Lena 3E 2011-04-16 9.325 9.250 9.225 9.500 37.125
Austin, Lena 5C 2012-09-14 9.375 8.500 8.900 9.200 35.550
Austin, Olivia 4 2011-10-15 9.350 9.050 9.250 9.650 37.125
Austin, Olivia 5C 2012-09-14 9.100 9.175 8.950 9.500 36.650
Avritt, Christina 2 2015-12-13 8.950 9.325 8.850 8.600 35.725
Backus , Emily XG 2015-01-30 8.900 9.375 8.750 9.500 35.425
Backus , Kathryn P1 2012-01-06 8.150 8.450 7.750 8.100 32.450
Bagtas, Ghabbie 6 2019-04-25 9.650 9.750 9.650 9.625 37.650
Bagtas, Maddie 6 2019-04-25 9.575 9.675 9.700 9.500 37.550
Baker, Elizabeth XG 2016-04-16 9.025 8.700 8.100 9.300 34.075
Baker, Jordan XS 2016-09-09 9.225 9.300 9.150 9.050 36.725
Baker, Layla 9 2025-01-10 9.400 9.200 9.300 9.450 37.225
Bal , Hailey A3 2012-02-17 8.200 8.750 8.950 8.200 33.200
Bal, Hailey 4 2012-12-01 9.150 8.675 8.450 8.750 34.000
Baldovin, Caroline 4 2012-12-01 8.700 8.550 8.400 9.050 34.100
Ballard, Elliana XB 2019-04-13 9.600 9.725 9.725 9.550 38.050
Ballard, Mia 7 2019-04-25 9.050 9.625 9.600 9.575 37.350
Barker, Jordan 9 2025-01-10 9.575 9.600 9.500 9.450 36.875
Barkley, Olivia 2E 2024-04-26 9.725 9.550 9.450 9.200 37.325
Barnett, Brooklyn 6 2025-01-10 9.350 9.500 9.350 9.525 37.075
Barnett, Charleston 1N 2024-04-26 9.250 9.250 9.025 9.000 36.300
Barnett, Paylin 6 2025-01-10 9.575 9.825 9.550 9.700 38.400
Barros, Sydney 9 2016-04-06 9.575 9.675 12.500 11.400 38.325
Battista, Kate 6 2016-03-18 9.275 9.325 9.275 9.575 36.200
Baugh, Eliza 1N 2024-04-26 9.175 9.400 8.950 9.175 36.675
Baugh, Esme 1E 2024-04-26 9.700 9.800 9.275 9.425 37.775
Baxter, Crystaliann 7 2010-03-26 9.250 9.050 9.175 9.450 36.175
Baxter, Cystalianne 6 2009-10-10 8.500 7.350 8.300 7.950 32.100
Bearden, Mackenzie AS 2018-05-05 9.275 9.250 9.325 9.300 35.900
Belauret, Lyra 3N 2019-05-03 8.700 9.275 9.150 9.400 35.925
Bence, Allie 4 2021-04-24 9.300 9.525 9.650 9.325 37.275
Benedetto, Maura AS 2017-05-06 9.375 9.325 9.500 9.500 37.000
Bennetts, Rebekah 10 2010-04-09 9.750 9.475 9.475 9.475 37.650
Benson, Addy 2N 2024-04-26 8.950 9.525 9.200 9.300 36.625
Benson, Madelyn 8 2017-04-20 9.425 9.675 9.375 9.350 37.425
Berg, Manna P1 2009-03-07 8.850 8.950 8.350 8.875 35.025
Berg, Mannah P1 2009-02-20 9.400 9.350 8.900 8.850 36.500
Beshtea, Ryanna A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Bishop , Riley P1 2012-02-17 5.600 8.500 9.000 8.250 31.150
Bishop, Kameryn 3E 2011-04-16 9.350 9.000 9.175 9.225 35.800
Bishop, Kameryn 5 2012-11-17 9.475 9.100 8.575 8.925 35.675
Bishop, Logan 8A 2013-02-15 9.650 9.425 9.550 9.550 37.325
Bishop, Ryley 4 2011-03-04 8.200 8.325 8.050 6.800 30.475
Blake, Serena XG 2016-04-16 9.100 8.850 9.000 9.450 35.600
Blythe, Olivia 4 2017-10-28 9.450 9.375 9.600 9.250 37.275
Bohling, Michaela 7 2017-03-11 9.450 9.550 9.650 9.600 37.275
Bolton, Maddy 3 2014-04-12 8.800 8.350 8.625 9.000 34.775
Bolton, Maddy 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Bong, Avril A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Bosley, Lexie 3E 2019-05-03 9.500 9.675 9.475 9.500 37.425
Bouman, Mckenna 3E 2019-05-03 8.750 9.625 9.325 9.250 36.125
Boyer, Ava P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Bradshaw, Morgan 8 2008-03-14 9.100 9.350 9.100 8.975 35.600
Brewer, Kelsie 2 2015-12-13 8.750 9.050 7.800 8.800 34.400
Brock, Olivia AS 2017-05-06 9.100 9.425 9.100 9.175 36.400
Brooks, Kelsie 10 2012-01-13 9.400 9.000 9.350 9.350 37.100
Brown, Eliza Haze 4 2020-02-29 8.625 7.750 9.175 8.350 33.900
Brown, Hadley XS 2021-03-27 8.800 9.025 9.150 9.300 35.725
Brown, Isabelle A5 2011-03-04 9.200 9.525 8.825 9.200 36.025
Brown, Isabelle 8 2015-12-13 9.500 9.675 9.575 9.550 37.350
Brown, Treona A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Browning, Irina 3 2015-12-13 8.950 8.400 7.650 8.950 33.950
Bruton, Alexis 8 2012-04-20 9.675 9.200 9.175 9.600 35.925
Bruton, Sydney 9 2010-02-27 9.500 7.800 9.000 9.325 35.475
Bruton, Sydney 9 2011-03-25 9.450 8.250 9.325 9.150 35.050
Bryant, Haleigh 5 2010-03-12 9.575 9.500 9.150 9.225 36.625
Bryant, Haleigh 6 2010-11-12 9.600 9.400 9.050 9.300 37.350
Buckner, Brooke 6 2013-03-02 9.675 9.450 9.200 9.675 37.425
Buckner, Katherine 9 2013-02-15 8.725 6.700 9.050 9.350 31.875
Burge, Morgan BE 2022-04-29 9.600 9.600 9.300 9.350 37.700
Burke, Amelie 3 2024-12-06 9.250 9.350 9.400 9.175 36.475
Burke, Finley 6 2025-01-10 8.500 9.050 8.725 9.375 35.650
Burmester, Ashleigh 4 2011-10-15 9.350 9.675 9.600 9.600 37.975
Burnester, Ashleigh 5 2012-11-17 9.575 9.325 8.825 9.350 36.825
Burton, Alexis 8 2012-03-30 9.300 9.275 8.750 9.300 36.025
Bush, Madison XS 2016-11-18 9.775 9.600 9.700 9.450 37.975
Bustillos, America PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Butler, Callie 8 2018-03-23 8.750 9.475 9.750 9.875 37.000
Cadwallader, Anna A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Campbell, Amber PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Campbell, Grace AG 2020-02-29 9.300 8.750 8.200 9.500 34.950
Capley, Sienna 6 2010-02-04 8.550 9.275 9.275 9.100 36.125
Capley, Sienna 6 2010-11-12 9.150 9.450 9.050 9.350 36.150
Caranci, Andrea 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Carp, Jordin A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Carrigan, Abby 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Carroll, Ava 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Carroll, Payton 8 2010-02-27 8.850 9.175 9.225 9.250 36.425
Carroll, Payton 9 2013-04-12 9.250 9.275 9.425 9.275 36.400
Caryn Porter, Mc P 2008-03-14 9.150 8.825 9.400 9.450 36.825
Casanova, Claudia 7 2010-03-26 9.500 9.075 9.700 9.575 36.900
Casanova, Morgan 8 2010-03-20 9.550 9.375 9.275 9.300 36.125
Casey, Caidance 4 2018-11-30 9.350 9.500 9.425 9.600 37.750
Casinova, Claudia 6 2008-11-15 8.975 8.100 7.375 8.775 33.225
Cassanova, Claudia PP 2009-02-20 9.250 8.350 9.550 9.350 36.500
Cassanova, Morgan 8A 2009-02-20 8.650 8.000 8.050 8.575 33.275
Castillo, Adriana A3 2021-03-19 8.975 9.225 9.300 9.550 36.225
Castillo, Miranda PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Caudell, Loren 7 2019-03-29 9.650 9.600 9.400 9.375 37.175
Chaisit, Emily P2 2011-03-04 8.775 9.050 8.350 8.750 34.850
Chaisit, Julia P1 2011-03-04 9.000 8.950 8.000 8.400 34.275
Chandler, Rachel PP 2008-04-05 9.000 9.075 9.225 9.300 36.200
Chapple, Chloe 2E 2024-04-26 9.400 9.250 9.525 9.450 37.400
Chun-Smith, Nisha PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Clai Eubanks, Jayme 9 2013-03-02 0.000 8.600 0.000 0.000 8.600
Claire Eubanks, Jamie 8 2011-03-18 0.000 8.750 9.375 0.000 18.125
Claire Eubanks, Jayme 9 2013-02-15 9.050 9.225 9.525 8.875 35.800
Claire, Jayme 8 2011-03-04 0.000 9.475 9.250 0.000 18.725
Clare Parrish, Anna 8 2010-02-27 8.800 9.325 9.200 9.200 35.950
Clare Parrish, Anna 10 2016-04-06 9.500 9.450 9.450 9.425 37.225
Clark , Olivia A3 2012-02-17 8.400 9.200 8.350 8.450 34.350
Clark, Ava AS 2016-04-16 9.500 9.650 9.350 8.875 36.825
Clark, Kayleigh 9 2016-03-18 9.500 9.725 9.700 9.675 38.575
Clark, Kristin OP 2003-01-11 8.450 7.350 7.700 8.800 32.300
Clark, Olivia 4 2012-12-01 9.100 8.950 8.500 8.975 34.325
Climmons, Danielle 10 2014-03-15 9.400 9.175 9.250 9.275 36.450
Coffey, Calista PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Coffin, Emma XP 2018-04-26 9.475 9.475 9.400 9.500 37.300
Collett, Moya 6 2021-03-19 9.400 8.900 9.075 9.200 35.650
Conklin, Amanda 3A 2011-03-25 9.000 9.050 9.225 9.250 36.500
Conklin, Amanda 4 2014-05-02 9.300 9.000 9.525 9.525 36.250
Connors, Sydney P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Cook, Rachel 2 2015-12-13 8.900 7.750 8.750 8.550 33.950
Cooper , McKenzie P1 2013-03-30 8.600 9.100 9.050 9.150 35.475
Corr, Skyler A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Cowan, Natalie 4 2015-12-13 9.100 9.250 9.000 9.150 36.500
Crabtree, Hannah P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Cranford, Charlotte XG 2022-04-08 9.375 9.425 9.675 9.725 37.600
Cranford, Maggie 6 2025-01-10 9.425 9.225 9.725 9.625 37.850
Creed, Abbie XB 2016-11-18 8.950 9.300 9.250 9.550 36.300
Crime, Brianna 8 2019-04-25 9.625 9.575 9.450 9.500 37.775
Croft, Caitlin XS 2015-11-13 9.200 9.600 9.500 9.150 36.725
D'ERRICO, ISABELLA P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Dangar, Cara P2 2009-03-07 8.550 8.950 8.550 8.550 33.825
Daniel, Cheyenne AG 2020-02-29 9.150 8.925 8.900 9.450 35.875
Daumeyer, Rosemary XB 2016-11-18 9.425 9.650 9.225 9.650 37.525
Davie, Olivia 7 2012-02-02 9.100 9.450 9.575 9.450 36.625
Davis, Corienne PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
De Freitas, Kaylan SE 2022-04-29 9.550 9.575 9.500 9.400 37.450
De Freitas-Custis, Kaylen XG 2024-05-03 9.600 9.650 9.650 9.525 38.250
De Long, Allie A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
DeJesus, London XB 2016-11-18 9.400 9.550 9.200 9.425 37.575
DeLira, Isabela XG 2014-04-03 8.750 8.700 7.700 9.025 33.675
Dennison, Savannah 4 2015-12-13 8.500 8.450 8.550 8.500 34.000
DePaolo, Dara XD 2017-05-10 9.375 9.150 9.150 9.250 36.375
DePaolo, Jadyn XG 2017-05-10 9.675 9.450 9.450 9.475 37.500
Dewalt, Jamie 6 2014-03-29 8.700 9.000 9.250 9.075 34.975
Dickerson, Logan A5 2009-03-07 8.900 9.550 9.225 8.950 36.275
Dillon, Aleece XP 2018-04-26 9.550 9.650 9.650 9.600 37.775
Dobbs, Delaney 7 2014-03-29 9.425 9.100 9.250 9.525 37.000
Dobbs, Sadira 6 2019-03-16 9.600 9.600 9.675 9.600 37.925
Dodson, Jordyn 1N 2024-04-26 9.450 9.600 9.150 9.325 37.025
Dominguez, Mila 1N 2024-04-26 9.350 9.425 9.125 9.275 36.675
Dorsey, Amberlee XP 2017-04-21 9.100 9.100 9.350 9.275 36.125
Doty, Sarah 3N 2011-04-16 8.950 8.725 9.225 8.925 34.200
Douglas, Annemarie XS 2021-02-19 9.250 9.175 9.300 9.200 36.125
Douglas, Gabrielle PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Doupnik, Rosie P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Druhot, Megan 8 2011-03-18 9.700 9.000 9.125 9.350 36.450
Duclos, Delaney 4N 2010-03-12 9.425 8.150 8.400 9.400 35.125
Duelos, Delaney 4 2010-01-22 7.650 7.250 8.300 8.375 31.575
Duffy, Erin P 2008-03-14 9.400 7.925 8.450 9.450 35.225
Dugger, Tonya 8 2006-02-17 8.350 9.075 8.825 8.850 35.100
Duke, Ella AS 2015-04-18 9.050 9.425 9.400 9.200 36.350
Dunne, Annabelle XS 2016-11-18 9.600 9.575 9.475 9.400 37.775
Dzmitryieu, Izabella XB 2017-04-29 8.850 8.750 9.325 9.150 35.675
Easterbrook, Anika 4 2021-04-24 9.475 9.675 9.550 9.600 37.900
Easterbrook, Petra BE 2021-04-20 9.400 9.625 9.300 9.250 36.850
Eberly, Luci P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Eggleston, Megan 9 2006-02-17 9.050 8.625 8.350 9.075 35.100
Eiserman, Savannah P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Elliott, Isla XS 2023-04-14 9.050 9.250 9.175 9.350 36.200
Ellis, Kinsley XS 2017-11-17 9.300 9.500 9.500 9.275 37.275
Emore, Madison 8 2024-03-22 9.375 7.850 9.375 9.350 34.500
England, Abigail P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Estes, Meg A2 2014-04-12 8.550 8.250 9.050 9.125 34.150
Eubanks, Jayme-Claire 9 2013-01-19 9.275 8.925 8.825 9.250 36.000
Evans, Vanessa P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Fallon, Marie 7 2019-03-29 9.525 9.600 9.600 9.575 37.025
Farmer, Morgan A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Fawcett, Josephine 7 2025-01-10 9.475 9.650 9.500 9.625 37.100
Feder, Sophia 1N 2024-04-26 9.125 9.250 9.250 9.300 35.925
Ferrell, Zoe 4 2012-09-29 8.625 7.450 7.700 8.150 31.925
Ferrer, Zoe-Allen 6 2015-01-30 8.925 9.400 9.300 9.350 36.975
Figg, Nika A4 2009-03-07 8.800 8.500 5.950 8.275 30.025
Fitzgerald , Cadence A3 2012-02-17 8.300 9.050 8.375 8.300 33.475
Fitzgerald, Cadence 4 2015-11-13 9.150 9.550 9.400 9.525 37.175
Floyd, Cheynne A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Flynt, Madison P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Folger, Lauren 8 2010-04-16 9.625 9.125 9.400 9.600 37.750
Fortier, Allison PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Foster, Kaitlin PN 2010-03-12 8.650 9.000 8.800 9.000 34.725
Foster, Sidney 4N 2010-03-12 9.050 8.350 8.650 9.100 34.950
Franklin, Kaci 8 2019-04-25 9.625 9.875 9.500 9.600 37.900
Fredericks, Sahmari XG 2015-04-10 9.250 8.725 9.000 9.350 35.375
Fredricks, Sahmari P1 2014-04-12 8.350 8.400 8.000 8.875 33.625
Freeman, Kate 6 2019-04-25 9.575 9.475 9.500 9.200 36.900
Freeman, Madison 4 2018-11-30 9.500 9.800 9.500 9.475 38.200
Freeman, Samantha 4 2018-11-30 9.250 9.650 9.600 9.400 37.325
Froman, Ansley 8 2017-03-31 9.350 9.025 8.975 9.300 35.600
Froman, Ansley 8 2016-04-02 9.625 9.425 9.225 9.575 37.250
Froman, Molly 10 2021-04-16 9.625 9.800 9.600 9.625 38.225
Gagne, Keira A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Gallagher, Alexandra 4 2020-02-29 9.175 8.700 9.300 9.225 36.325
Gallion, Elizabeth AS 2018-05-05 9.150 9.625 9.500 9.375 37.375
Galloway, Avery-Claire P1 2012-01-06 8.850 8.950 8.900 8.750 34.550
Galloway, Avery-Clarie P1 2012-02-17 8.150 8.950 8.850 9.025 34.975
Galloway, Patty-Rose 4 2011-10-15 9.325 9.500 9.175 9.600 37.050
Galloway, Patty-Rose 6 2014-03-29 9.400 9.450 9.700 9.425 37.125
Garner , Maddy A3 2012-02-17 9.200 9.250 9.275 8.600 36.325
Garner, Maddy 4 2014-03-29 9.425 9.350 8.925 9.425 36.650
Geiger, Elizabeth 5 2015-12-13 9.000 7.400 8.650 8.725 33.775
Geist, Alyssa AS 2016-04-16 8.550 8.950 9.400 8.700 35.100
Geist, Sydney XS 2017-11-17 9.300 9.500 9.675 9.500 37.625
Gentry, Erin A2 2014-04-12 7.950 8.775 8.300 8.200 32.625
Gephart, Caroline 4 2015-11-13 9.300 9.175 9.475 9.175 36.600
Gephart, Emma 6 2016-03-18 9.475 9.425 9.475 9.300 37.100
Gibson, Hope PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Gibson, Jaden 4 2015-11-13 8.800 9.325 8.650 9.100 35.475
Glenn, Hope 9 2013-03-22 9.450 8.825 9.325 9.100 36.225
Godfrey, Lucy 6 2013-03-30 8.775 9.175 8.700 8.825 33.900
Golden, Skylar XG 2014-04-03 8.850 8.625 8.500 9.325 34.775
Goldman, Callie 9 2013-04-12 9.400 9.475 9.375 9.550 37.425
Goldstein, Katie 7 2012-03-30 9.575 9.700 9.425 9.525 37.150
Golsen, Mia 4 2018-11-30 9.125 9.650 9.625 9.575 37.625
Gomez, Eli XS 2023-04-14 9.250 9.625 9.275 9.200 36.875
Gomez, Ellanys SE 2022-04-29 9.225 9.400 9.625 9.050 36.575
Gonzalez, Lianneli P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Gordon, Tiffany 10 2003-05-01 9.625 8.300 8.650 8.800 35.375
Gow, Katelyn 3E 2024-04-26 9.375 9.825 9.375 9.525 37.400
Grace Greene, Audrey XB 2016-11-18 9.225 9.200 9.500 9.400 37.000
Grace Hawkins, Lily XS 2017-11-17 9.325 9.725 9.500 9.575 37.625
Grace Moore, Lacy XS 2016-11-18 9.250 9.500 9.450 9.400 36.725
Graham, Hensley 4 2015-01-16 9.600 9.500 9.200 9.600 37.200
Graham, Jillian PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Graison Earnest, Mattie 4 2011-10-15 9.225 8.725 8.800 9.175 35.025
Graison Earnest, Mattie 4 2014-05-02 9.050 9.300 9.450 9.525 36.800
Graison, Mattie 4 2011-03-04 0.000 7.550 7.700 8.750 24.000
Graves, Ashleigh A3 2013-03-30 8.750 9.300 8.950 9.050 35.450
Grays, Lauren A3 2013-03-30 9.150 8.200 8.800 9.050 34.750
Green, Savannah XG 2024-03-22 9.475 9.900 9.500 9.625 37.875
Gregory, Hope 5 2009-08-22 9.050 9.050 9.075 9.325 36.125
Griffin, Jami 8 2024-03-22 9.575 9.225 9.425 9.475 36.850
Griffiths, Mica 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Griggs, Bethany 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Groulx, Madison PN 2010-03-12 8.650 8.350 8.750 9.375 34.675
Groves, Jayla 4 2015-12-13 8.900 7.700 9.050 8.600 34.250
Groves, Jillian A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Guirguis, Maria P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Guiterrez, Kassandra 6 2012-09-14 8.550 8.450 8.825 8.550 34.375
Gulledge, Braedon PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Gumpert, Brooke 7 2014-01-30 9.100 9.200 9.150 9.250 36.275
Gutierrez, Tina P1 2011-03-04 8.700 8.850 9.025 8.675 34.950
GymnastB, Hills P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Hagemann, Haely 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Hales, Stella 6 2021-03-19 9.450 9.500 9.325 9.475 37.375
Hampton, Jasmine 4 2015-12-13 8.900 8.800 8.800 9.075 35.575
Harmon, Hailey XB 2016-11-18 8.650 9.050 8.650 9.125 34.600
Harper, Anna A3 2013-03-30 8.375 8.200 8.900 8.850 33.800
Harper, Ava 10 2019-03-16 12.050 13.450 12.150 12.200 49.400
Harper, Kathryn 9 2013-02-15 9.300 9.425 9.325 9.575 37.525
Harshbarger, Maeve XB 2020-02-29 8.575 8.300 8.250 8.600 33.725
Hartley, Elizabeth 9 2010-04-29 9.375 9.325 9.525 9.500 37.450
Hassel, Morgan 10 2016-03-04 9.600 9.350 9.350 9.475 37.325
Hatch, Emma 4 2014-11-22 9.450 9.250 9.225 9.275 36.875
Haverstock, Challen A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Hayes, Cari 10 2008-02-15 9.025 8.275 8.000 9.000 34.200
Hayes, Teegan XB 2016-11-18 9.100 9.500 9.250 9.225 36.975
Hays, Paisley P1 2013-03-30 8.800 9.250 8.700 8.600 34.700
Haze Brown, Eliza 4 2020-02-01 9.600 9.350 9.450 9.700 36.850
Heald, Ashley A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Henderson, Bobimarie 10 2016-04-06 9.475 9.450 9.400 9.425 37.375
Henry, Kadriene 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Henry, Megan XB 2016-11-18 9.125 9.150 8.700 9.150 35.325
Higgenbottom, Sydney P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Hobbins, Lily A5 2011-03-04 9.225 9.450 9.100 9.000 36.275
Hobbins, Lily 6 2012-11-09 9.425 9.525 9.225 9.275 36.725
Hogan, Olivia 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Holland, Eden P1 2011-03-04 8.300 9.450 9.275 8.750 35.125
Hosmer, Jenna 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Howard, Blakely AG 2020-02-29 8.275 8.050 7.950 7.900 31.725
Hubbard, Alyssa 4 2016-11-18 9.250 9.350 9.550 9.400 37.400
Hudson, Ava P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Hughes, Nyla XB 2016-11-18 9.275 9.700 9.425 9.300 37.125
Hyatt, Brianna 8 2017-04-20 9.600 9.600 9.650 9.725 38.375
Ianitello, Alex A4 2010-03-06 8.600 8.600 8.900 9.250 34.550
Ianitello, Alexandra 4N 2010-03-12 8.700 8.300 8.500 9.125 34.425
Irish, Breanne P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Ivester, Olivia 1E 2024-04-26 9.350 9.450 9.450 9.250 37.125
Ivory, Milan 10 2010-03-20 9.775 9.000 9.500 9.650 37.050
Jadick, Mackenzie 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Jakaitis, Zoey XS 2023-04-14 9.400 9.375 9.600 9.425 37.700
Jean Steele, Kelsey XB 2016-11-18 9.200 9.275 8.850 9.225 36.425
Jenkins, Garyn 8A 2009-02-20 9.400 8.900 8.650 9.250 35.825
Jenkins, Garyn 9 2012-03-23 9.475 9.525 8.825 9.550 37.000
Jepson, Katelyn 8 2012-03-30 9.400 9.225 9.300 9.425 36.650
Jepson, Lauren 8 2012-03-30 9.700 9.400 9.325 9.350 37.200
Jett, Lilian P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Joe Bryant, Ellie PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Johnson, Abbey 8 2006-02-17 9.100 7.650 7.725 9.100 33.575
Johnson, Jacqueline 2 2015-12-13 8.700 8.950 8.650 8.750 35.050
Johnson, Kayla XS 2023-04-14 9.350 9.625 9.650 9.500 37.600
Johnson, Madison 5 2015-12-13 9.300 8.050 8.700 8.800 34.850
Johnson, Rachel PP 2010-03-26 9.100 9.450 9.500 9.150 36.350
Johnson, Seria 10 2019-04-11 9.750 9.650 9.800 9.700 38.125
Johnson, Siria 4 2011-09-17 9.400 8.650 9.150 9.625 36.825
Jones, Elise 4 2011-03-04 8.600 8.950 8.400 8.750 33.900
Jones, Julia 5 2009-11-20 8.900 9.225 9.550 8.950 36.000
Jones, Julia PP 2011-03-25 9.100 9.350 9.200 9.100 36.325
Jones, Kamaneeyah XG 2015-04-10 9.150 9.050 8.550 9.450 33.750
Jones, Reagan XS 2017-11-17 9.450 9.600 9.550 9.600 37.850
Jones, Tinley A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Karcher, Katie 8 2008-03-14 8.425 8.700 9.300 9.300 35.725
Katulka, Carly A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Kay, Marley 7 2024-04-26 9.600 9.475 9.525 9.500 37.725
Kean, Kolette A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Kelley, Emily 9 2011-05-06 9.475 9.375 9.425 9.550 37.150
Kellogg, Jordyn A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Kelly, Emily 9 2010-04-09 9.250 9.150 9.325 9.425 37.150
Kelly, Payton 2N 2024-04-26 9.550 9.250 9.225 9.225 36.950
Kemp, Kaya 7 2017-04-20 9.500 9.550 9.550 9.575 37.725
Kemp, Sienna 8 2022-03-11 9.375 9.550 9.550 9.575 36.950
Kemp, Sunny 8 2022-04-01 9.150 9.375 9.075 9.450 35.700
Keri, Kaitlin A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Kirchner, Addison XG 2023-05-06 9.400 9.900 9.675 9.650 37.975
Kirday, Abbie 9 2016-04-29 9.700 9.425 9.350 9.425 37.150
Kirk, Evie 9 2021-03-04 0.000 0.000 8.800 9.200 18.000
Kirk, Evie 8 2019-04-25 9.425 9.775 9.675 9.750 37.900
Knight, Macie BE 2022-04-29 9.200 9.425 9.600 9.225 36.550
Knight, Sarah-Neal 4 2016-10-22 9.500 9.450 9.350 9.400 37.475
Koch, Zoey SE 2022-04-29 9.350 9.500 9.200 9.200 36.725
Kocsis, Barbora PN 2010-03-12 7.400 8.250 8.300 8.300 31.850
Kreutzer, Lauren 2 2015-12-13 8.900 8.550 8.300 8.850 34.600
Kulat, Catherine 5 2010-03-12 8.525 9.250 9.100 9.000 34.475
Kulat, Catherine 7 2013-01-19 9.375 9.425 9.325 9.425 36.800
Kulat, Cathernie 7 2012-02-02 9.300 9.050 8.875 9.225 36.450
La selva, Elizabeth 7 2010-03-26 9.425 9.000 9.025 9.575 36.350
Landford, Olivia A3 2012-02-17 7.900 8.150 9.075 9.050 34.175
Landreth, Haven 3 2014-03-29 8.625 7.850 8.350 8.475 32.350
Landry, Michelle P1 2011-03-04 8.700 8.850 7.575 8.650 33.775
Lanford , Olivia A3 2012-01-06 8.400 8.700 8.950 8.900 34.950
Lanford, Olivia 4 2012-10-20 9.125 7.750 7.850 8.750 32.625
Laselva, Elizabeth 7 2010-02-27 9.300 9.300 9.325 9.275 36.550
Lee, Skye AS 2017-05-06 8.950 9.250 9.675 9.300 35.500
LeFavre, Mishell 7 2015-04-24 9.750 9.550 9.675 9.550 37.500
LeFeavre, Mishell 4 2011-09-17 8.950 8.050 8.225 9.075 34.300
LeFebvre, Mishell 4 2011-10-15 9.425 9.475 9.325 9.325 37.450
Leininger, Kyra A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Leister, Sofia XG 2024-05-03 9.525 9.650 9.825 9.600 37.800
Lepadatu, Maya XG 2014-03-15 8.550 8.950 7.950 8.725 34.100
Lepadatu, Maya P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Lepadtu, Maya XG 2014-04-03 9.150 8.000 8.550 9.000 34.100
Leudke, Halle AS 2017-05-06 8.800 9.425 9.500 9.225 36.775
Lewis, Zion 10 2013-02-15 9.625 9.375 9.250 9.625 37.200
Lewis, Zion 9 2013-05-02 9.550 9.350 9.100 9.400 37.125
Liberatore, Julia 5 2011-11-18 9.250 8.675 9.100 9.150 35.700
Liberatore, Marina 9 2013-02-15 9.600 9.075 9.150 9.550 35.950
Liberatore, Marina 9 2014-04-10 9.325 9.075 8.750 9.000 35.575
Lincoln, Morgan 2 2015-12-13 9.150 7.100 8.500 8.950 33.700
Livingston, Grace 4E 2010-03-12 9.350 9.250 9.575 9.300 37.225
Livingston, Meagan 7 2012-04-20 9.725 9.700 9.450 9.625 38.000
Locher, Madison 8 2009-03-12 9.375 9.425 9.400 9.725 37.700
Locher, Miranda 9 2013-04-12 9.125 9.475 9.700 9.550 37.350
Longwith, Lily 2 2015-12-13 8.975 8.100 7.550 8.800 33.425
Lopez, Gabriela PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Lowe, Gabriela A3 2013-03-30 9.150 8.650 8.600 9.175 34.975
Lowe, Vesper XG 2024-04-12 9.225 9.525 9.450 9.400 37.200
Lubbers, Ally 8 2019-04-25 9.650 9.475 9.600 9.625 37.675
Ludd, Kaiya XS 2016-11-18 9.500 9.700 9.475 9.175 36.725
Luedke, Halle 4 2017-11-11 8.550 9.325 9.350 9.250 35.850
Lummus, Ashlyn 7 2011-03-18 9.475 9.450 9.600 9.675 36.975
Maag, Leah PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Madigan, Natalie 4 2020-02-29 9.800 9.675 9.600 9.650 38.125
MaGill, Evangelyn XS 2015-11-13 9.425 9.475 9.450 9.375 37.275
Mahagin, Samantha PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Mahon, Nicole P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Mainella, Keira 7 2021-04-23 9.600 9.625 9.450 9.600 37.550
Mainella, Kennedy 7 2021-03-27 9.600 9.700 9.700 9.600 38.200
Malone, Emilie 9 2018-03-02 8.850 8.225 8.925 9.050 34.025
Maloney, Kylie P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Manderano, Kaitlyn 5 2018-03-24 9.800 9.700 9.700 9.450 37.975
Manual, Bryce 5 2012-05-05 9.750 9.150 9.050 9.475 36.900
Manuel , Kinley A3 2012-02-17 8.550 9.350 9.000 8.600 35.300
Marie Sanders, Ellen P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Markow, Avery PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Markus, Shanee 8 2018-04-18 9.400 9.500 9.525 9.500 36.950
Martell, Madison XS 2015-11-13 9.025 9.450 9.675 9.425 37.275
Martin, Emma 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Martin, Kaitlyn 4 2015-12-13 9.350 9.425 8.250 9.250 36.275
Martin, Kennady 6 2013-03-02 8.700 8.750 9.175 8.950 35.475
Martoncik, Mia SE 2022-04-29 9.450 9.625 9.575 9.350 37.500
Martoncik, Sabrina BN 2022-04-29 8.800 9.250 9.100 8.800 35.150
Mascitti, Allison P1 2014-04-12 8.350 8.700 8.425 8.800 33.775
Mast, Ella 4 2015-12-13 8.450 8.950 9.150 8.650 35.200
Masterson, Bethany P2 2009-03-07 9.100 8.825 8.250 8.350 34.300
Matias, Bella PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Maughan, Brittany 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Mautner, Gabrielle 9 2019-05-10 9.275 9.700 9.450 9.275 37.100
May, Kahleia 3 2014-05-02 9.100 8.825 9.075 9.150 34.750
Mayfield, Shelby PP 2010-03-26 9.500 8.225 9.450 9.625 36.525
McAvoy, Gabby 6 2022-03-25 9.325 9.300 9.400 9.450 36.975
McBrayer, Ayla XB 2017-11-17 9.500 9.700 9.450 9.250 37.425
McBride, Marin AG 2020-02-29 8.875 6.850 8.250 9.300 32.575
McBride, Natalie 8 2024-04-26 9.525 9.725 9.050 9.275 37.025
McCauley, Anslee H2 2024-05-17 12.300 11.000 12.700 12.000 46.750
McCauley, Jolee 10 2025-01-10 9.525 9.650 9.575 9.475 37.250
McCauley, Juliette 6 2025-01-10 9.400 9.775 9.900 9.750 38.050
McCauley, Paisley 4 2024-12-13 9.550 9.550 9.075 9.125 36.725
McClannahan , Hailey A3 2012-02-17 8.400 8.350 8.350 8.500 33.600
McCleskey, Joelle 3 2024-12-06 9.625 9.600 9.725 9.550 38.050
McCoy, Kyla P2 2009-02-20 8.750 8.450 7.300 8.200 32.500
McCready, Riley A5 2011-03-04 9.275 8.400 8.925 9.400 35.425
McCready, Riley 5 2011-11-18 9.075 8.625 9.000 9.000 34.775
McCullaugh, Stephanie P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
McDaniel, Natalie 3 2014-11-14 9.000 8.550 8.625 9.125 34.500
McDonough, Lucy 9 2022-05-06 9.400 9.575 9.575 9.600 37.525
McGill, Jessica 9 2009-03-28 9.050 0.000 0.000 9.375 18.375
McGillis, Meighan 6 2012-11-09 9.275 9.500 9.625 9.400 37.100
McGinnis, Amanda 8 2008-03-14 8.750 7.150 8.125 9.000 32.425
McGrath, Emmie 4 2024-12-06 9.750 9.675 9.800 9.800 38.600
McGregor, Madelyn XD 2017-04-21 8.700 9.500 9.200 9.500 36.000
McGregor, Madelyn XD 2017-02-03 9.550 9.500 9.600 9.400 36.800
McLario, Abby 4 2015-12-13 8.550 8.825 8.950 8.650 34.975
McMurtry, Alexandra 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
McNerney, Zoe 2 2015-12-13 9.000 8.350 8.150 8.875 34.375
Megan Druhot (No Beam), S- 7 2009-04-03 9.500 9.275 0.000 8.800 27.575
Menear, Katie A3 2019-03-09 9.475 9.600 9.425 9.375 37.625
Menerey, Katelyn 6 2021-03-19 9.275 9.650 9.600 9.675 37.800
Menerey, Kelsey 3N 2021-04-20 9.700 9.400 8.950 9.250 36.900
Menerey, Kinleigh 3N 2021-04-20 9.400 9.125 9.350 9.275 36.450
Merriman, Maddie PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Mia, Golsen 4 2017-11-11 8.500 9.300 9.150 9.250 35.950
Miller, Jessica 7 2010-03-26 8.750 9.100 9.275 8.825 35.325
Miller, Jessica 8 2011-03-18 9.200 9.450 9.325 9.300 36.450
Miller, Jessie 8 2011-02-18 9.000 9.050 9.125 9.275 35.550
Miller, Jordan 7 2012-03-30 9.550 9.675 9.500 9.500 37.800
MISTRETTA, SOPHIA A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Mitchell, Macy XG 2024-04-12 9.650 9.575 9.550 9.775 38.500
Mitchell, Marielle 10 2015-03-20 9.425 9.550 9.525 9.600 37.500
Mitchell, Renata 10 2013-05-10 9.450 9.225 8.900 9.225 36.175
Mixon, Aris AS 2017-05-06 9.125 9.525 9.600 9.325 37.300
Mobley, Keeley 5 2010-03-12 9.250 9.300 9.475 9.175 35.500
Mobley, Keeley 5 2010-11-19 8.950 9.200 9.425 9.650 36.325
Molina, Sofia 1N 2024-04-26 8.875 9.200 8.525 9.075 34.975
Monahan, Madison 4N 2010-03-12 8.750 8.700 7.925 9.075 33.775
Mondesir, Celine XG 2015-04-10 8.800 8.100 8.850 9.225 34.275
Mondich, Braylin 7 2023-03-24 9.250 9.250 9.500 9.350 36.925
Montalbano, Alexa 9 2012-03-23 0.000 0.000 8.200 9.025 17.000
Montes, Cassidy 6 2022-03-25 9.300 9.400 9.200 9.250 36.100
Montgomery, Charlie 10 2025-01-10 9.600 9.550 9.450 9.750 38.050
Moore, Hadley 7 2019-04-25 9.600 9.500 9.700 9.650 37.525
Moore, Reagan 2N 2024-04-26 9.075 9.075 8.925 8.550 35.375
Moore, Sahara 4 2014-11-22 9.200 9.425 9.450 9.250 36.650
Moore, Shelby 7 2008-04-05 9.225 9.225 8.775 9.350 36.300
Morrel, Angelina 8 2018-03-23 9.800 9.300 9.425 9.600 37.225
Morrell, Angelina 7 2017-02-17 9.600 9.575 9.350 9.600 37.600
Morrow, Victoria 2 2015-12-13 8.750 8.750 8.600 9.025 35.125
Mosher, Briahna P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Mosier, Lyza 9 2022-04-22 9.575 9.650 9.000 9.250 36.675
Moye, Taylor 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Muller, Courtney 10 2010-02-04 9.425 9.225 8.750 9.550 36.575
Muller, Courtney 10 2010-05-09 9.400 9.150 9.400 9.400 37.150
Murdock , Jade PB 2013-03-30 8.400 9.000 8.775 8.550 34.575
Murphy, Jaydyn 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Murphy, Megan P1 2013-02-15 8.175 8.900 8.300 8.250 33.075
Musser, Joslyn 1N 2024-04-26 9.600 8.500 9.075 9.200 36.300
Naik, Avnee A5 2011-03-04 9.300 9.100 8.300 9.325 34.425
Napuri, Kiara P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Neal Knight, Sarah XP 2018-04-26 9.400 9.700 9.575 9.675 37.700
Negron, Jasmine 3E 2011-04-16 9.150 8.850 8.700 9.425 35.725
Negron, Jasmine 5 2012-09-29 9.475 8.750 9.050 9.275 35.500
Neil, Sarah 4 2016-09-09 9.150 9.100 8.450 9.350 36.050
Nelms, Hannah PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Nelson, Alaina 7 2014-03-29 9.100 9.500 8.975 9.525 36.575
Nelson, Kasey 10 2012-04-13 9.425 9.600 9.550 9.650 37.800
Nelson, Rylie 7 2009-04-03 9.375 9.650 9.775 9.625 37.650
Neslon, Rylie 7A 2009-02-20 9.000 9.400 9.325 9.350 37.075
Newbold, Haley 5 2012-11-03 8.450 8.250 8.950 8.400 33.500
Newton, Faith 5 2010-08-28 8.900 9.350 9.075 9.400 36.050
Newton, Faith 5 2010-11-19 8.600 8.550 8.575 9.000 34.550
Nicholson, Alexis P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Nicholson, Kennedy 3 2015-12-13 9.200 8.825 8.850 9.300 36.175
Nolan, Ashton P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Noyes, Blythe 8 2018-01-12 9.600 9.650 9.600 9.750 37.675
Noyes, Reagan 5 2010-11-19 8.400 8.150 9.000 9.025 34.450
Noyes, Riley PP 2011-03-25 9.700 9.500 9.450 9.650 38.050
Nunno, Angelina A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
O'Connell, Madeline 4 2014-05-02 8.500 9.000 9.525 9.450 36.125
O'Dell, Micole 10 2012-03-23 9.550 8.800 9.500 9.525 36.975
O'Dell, Micole 10 2014-05-09 9.525 9.425 9.475 9.575 37.075
O'Neill, Kiley 6 2010-10-02 9.050 9.400 8.650 9.100 35.300
O'Niell, Kiley PP 2011-02-11 8.650 8.750 8.100 9.275 34.775
O'Niell, Kiley PP 2011-03-25 9.150 8.450 8.400 9.100 35.100
O'Toole, Molly PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Oakes, Cheney 4N 2010-03-12 9.150 9.350 8.300 9.250 35.800
Obenauer, Lily P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
ODell, Micole 10 2013-01-19 9.275 9.150 8.050 9.325 34.925
Offutt, Lindsay P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Oglesby, Kailani 4E 2010-03-12 9.600 9.500 9.400 9.400 37.750
OLeary, Madeline BE 2022-04-29 9.475 9.425 9.500 9.525 37.150
Oliver, Berklee BE 2022-04-29 9.375 9.450 9.300 9.300 36.950
Olszewski, Kaya PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Oneill, Kiley 5 2009-11-07 8.450 9.725 8.600 9.225 35.900
Oneill, Kiley UP 2011-03-04 8.950 8.725 8.675 9.250 34.475
Pace, Samantha A3 2013-03-30 8.950 9.150 8.950 8.875 35.700
Palminteri, Gina A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Palmreuter, Claire 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Parajuli, Priya 4 2018-11-30 9.550 9.650 9.725 9.550 38.125
Park, Priscilla 10 2018-04-12 9.025 9.375 9.350 9.225 36.300
Parks, Tara 3 2014-05-02 9.300 9.300 9.050 9.100 35.925
Parrish, Anna 10 2016-02-05 9.425 8.800 8.525 9.075 27.025
Parrish, Aryn 4N 2010-03-12 8.450 9.000 8.550 8.925 34.750
Partain, Scarlett XB 2020-02-29 9.000 9.325 8.850 8.975 36.150
Pate, Sydney 4 2011-10-15 8.650 8.400 8.400 8.750 34.150
Pate, Sydney 4 2011-11-05 8.250 8.600 8.600 8.600 34.050
Patterson, Deni 5 2014-05-02 9.425 9.400 9.100 9.300 36.425
Paul, Savannah BN 2023-04-22 8.900 9.450 9.225 9.250 36.350
Paula Chaves, Ana 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Pearl, Sophia AS 2018-05-05 9.625 9.300 9.325 9.550 37.550
Pearson, Victoria AB 2018-05-05 8.250 9.000 9.300 8.825 34.225
Pellum, Megan 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
PERRINI, ERICA PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Phillips, Amiracle A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Phillips, Elena 6 2015-03-20 9.450 9.325 9.250 9.300 36.800
Pierce, Hensley 2E 2024-04-26 9.650 9.700 9.525 9.425 37.775
Pingel, Alyx P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Plush, Dylan A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Poarch, Ashlyn XB 2016-04-23 8.900 9.100 9.150 9.150 36.025
Poarch, Ashlynn XB 2016-11-18 8.900 9.150 8.900 9.200 35.500
Pollock, Alexa 1N 2024-04-26 9.125 9.150 8.625 9.000 34.500
Pollock, Leyna 2E 2024-04-26 9.525 9.600 9.500 9.425 37.750
Poole, Taylor 8 2013-02-09 9.750 9.400 9.375 9.550 37.425
Poore-Pooser, MacKenzie A3 2011-03-04 8.700 7.650 8.800 8.150 32.250
Porter, McCaryn PP 2008-04-05 9.050 9.250 9.400 9.400 37.100
Porter, Taylor 9 2009-03-28 8.900 9.175 9.300 9.250 36.575
Potts, Alex 9 2014-01-30 8.925 9.100 8.500 9.375 35.900
Potts, Alexandra 9 2014-01-11 8.950 8.925 9.100 8.600 35.575
Potts, Alexandra 9 2014-03-21 9.175 9.025 8.650 9.225 35.825
Powers, Ansley 3 2024-10-19 9.350 9.550 9.475 9.750 37.925
Quick, Emma AB 2018-05-05 9.000 9.175 9.000 8.525 35.075
Rae Carswell, Leslie P1 2013-03-30 8.850 9.575 8.950 9.100 36.225
Rahman, Halena 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Ramstrom, Savannah AG 2020-02-29 9.000 8.250 8.000 8.925 33.325
Rancone, Alisha 9 2010-04-29 9.200 8.750 9.500 9.375 36.300
Randolph, Leyla A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Rasmussen, Kelli 6 2012-11-09 9.100 8.500 9.000 9.400 34.850
Ray, Elena 4 2024-12-13 9.850 9.850 9.525 9.725 38.375
Ray, Lyanna 3 2024-12-06 9.650 9.675 9.625 9.675 38.200
Rayburn, Hailey XP 2019-04-13 9.425 9.550 9.600 9.600 37.550
Reavis, Abby A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Reddish, Wren 6 2025-01-10 9.400 9.550 9.700 9.550 37.400
Reese Hotaling, Tyler PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Reeser, Zoe A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Reifowitz, Lauren 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Reincke, Olivia PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Reissig, Stella 4 2020-02-29 9.850 9.475 9.400 9.300 37.700
Renner, Rachel 7 2012-03-30 9.600 9.650 9.525 9.750 38.350
Retiz, Marla A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Richard, Ella BE 2023-04-22 9.400 9.325 9.150 9.250 36.700
Richard, Samantha 3 2014-11-14 8.825 8.700 8.825 9.000 34.825
Richards, Ella AB 2023-02-17 9.200 8.900 9.175 9.100 36.375
Rinker, Jessica A5 2011-03-04 8.700 8.750 8.700 9.050 34.900
Rinker, Jessica 5 2011-11-18 8.850 8.750 8.900 8.500 34.100
Rinza, Fernanda 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Riordan, Lizzy 4 2015-11-13 9.175 9.275 9.425 9.150 37.025
Ritch, Allison 7 2015-03-27 9.200 9.250 9.050 9.300 36.200
Rivera, Ivy BN 2021-04-20 8.450 9.050 9.150 8.850 35.150
Roberts, Evelyn XS 2023-04-14 9.450 9.800 9.150 9.300 36.825
Roberts, Isabelle 10 2023-02-24 11.450 9.600 10.750 10.400 40.100
Roberts, Madeline XG 2023-05-06 9.625 9.650 9.400 9.500 37.450
Roberts, Tayden 6 2021-03-19 9.400 9.525 9.575 9.500 37.300
Robinson, Christina 9 2010-02-27 9.125 9.425 9.200 9.075 36.425
Robinson, Christina 9 2010-04-09 8.950 8.975 8.600 8.875 34.775
Rochin, Paulina PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Rodriquez, Noah A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Rose Macias, Lexie A2 2014-04-12 7.300 8.150 8.325 8.000 30.975
Rosenbohm, Morgan A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Rowan, Alicia 9 2013-03-22 9.650 9.275 9.000 9.425 36.950
Rownd, Graceson XP 2019-05-02 9.400 9.650 9.575 9.575 37.625
Rucker, Amelia 3 2014-11-14 9.100 8.875 8.300 9.100 34.775
Russell, Madelyn P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Rutherford, Lauren 6 2011-09-10 8.500 8.150 8.250 8.350 33.250
Salazar, Sofia A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Sananayake, Mihini XB 2015-01-30 8.700 8.200 8.050 7.850 32.800
Sapp, Ansley AB 2018-05-05 9.300 9.250 9.250 9.000 35.750
Sauls, Elizabeth XB 2020-02-29 9.250 9.425 9.000 9.250 36.525
Schaedle, Chelsea 9 2009-03-28 8.400 9.275 8.875 9.150 35.250
Schaedle, Stephanie 9 2008-03-14 0.000 8.050 8.450 8.550 23.650
Schreiber, Taina P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Schultz, Alexia P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Senanayake, Mihini AS 2018-05-05 9.200 9.400 9.675 9.450 37.275
Shaver, Kate XG 2023-04-14 9.100 9.100 9.175 9.600 36.600
Shealy, Olivia 1N 2024-04-26 9.225 9.250 8.500 9.050 35.650
Sigley, Laurynn 3N 2011-04-16 9.050 9.375 9.250 8.850 35.975
Sigley, Laurynn 5 2012-11-17 9.400 8.950 8.850 8.750 34.950
Silva, Bianca XB 2018-04-14 8.700 8.950 9.025 8.850 34.400
Simpson, Claire XG 2016-05-12 9.325 9.475 9.500 9.700 37.300
Smith, Autumn A2 2014-04-12 8.250 8.350 8.850 8.900 33.825
Smith, Blakeley 3 2024-10-19 9.700 9.700 9.325 9.425 37.475
SMITH, HAILEY PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Smith, Jackie OP 2003-01-11 0.000 8.050 8.350 8.600 25.000
Smith, Jenna 4 2015-12-13 8.500 8.100 8.250 8.625 33.475
Smith, Jenna P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Smith, Lauren XG 2016-01-23 9.050 9.500 9.650 9.525 37.700
Smith, Maggie A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Smith, Marissa 3 2015-12-13 9.125 7.950 8.400 8.675 34.150
Soroka, Katerina A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Soucy, Shenika P2 2011-02-11 9.100 8.200 7.400 8.825 33.525
Speck, Annabel A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Spencer, Skylin PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Spring, Emily 4 2011-03-04 8.600 8.550 8.425 7.250 32.375
Steinberg, Aubrey 5 2012-11-17 9.075 8.400 8.650 8.850 34.600
Stephans , Jessica P1 2012-02-17 6.600 9.550 8.350 9.050 33.175
Stephens, Emma 2E 2024-04-26 9.300 9.700 9.300 9.250 36.775
Still, Josephine XS 2024-04-12 9.350 9.450 9.675 9.650 37.525
Stoy, Katherine P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Stroh, Ella A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Stubbs, Kirsten 8 2010-02-27 9.600 8.500 8.750 8.925 35.125
Stubbs, Kirsten 8 2010-03-20 9.500 8.200 8.500 9.250 35.025
Suarez, Ivanna 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Suggs, Kendra P2 2012-02-17 8.950 8.300 8.925 9.350 35.275
Sumner, Brynne 9 2014-04-10 9.175 7.875 9.225 9.275 35.125
Sutherland, Ella 4 2014-10-25 9.150 9.500 9.175 9.350 36.325
Swanson, Nora XB 2017-04-29 9.100 9.000 9.300 8.900 36.025
Taggart, Zoey XB 2019-04-13 9.075 9.475 9.325 9.000 36.075
Tait, Sofia 9 2019-02-08 9.550 9.425 9.575 9.575 37.725
Tait, Sophia 9 2019-12-07 9.300 8.725 8.950 9.200 35.875
Tanner, Arynne 8 2010-03-06 8.550 8.675 6.900 9.225 33.350
Tanner, Arynne 8 2011-02-18 9.500 9.575 9.550 9.600 37.575
Tardif, Cassie P1 2014-04-12 8.500 8.875 8.575 8.750 34.300
Tardif, Cassie PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Taud, Eva P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Thomas, Addison 6 2015-03-20 9.175 9.450 9.425 9.575 36.725
Thompson, Makayla P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Thornsberry, Laura OP 2003-01-11 0.000 5.900 8.175 9.200 23.275
Thornton, Capri XS 2023-04-14 9.425 9.200 9.500 9.550 37.675
Tidwell, Reagan 4 2011-03-04 8.850 8.050 8.600 8.525 33.400
Tidwell, Reagan 5 2012-09-29 9.275 9.100 8.975 9.050 35.425
Torres, Kaylie XS 2024-04-12 9.750 9.600 9.900 9.775 38.750
Trapani, Bella AG 2020-02-29 7.900 7.250 7.900 8.700 31.475
Tullis, Brittany PP 2009-04-03 9.250 9.150 9.600 9.475 36.700
Turner, Ava 3E 2019-05-03 9.400 9.450 9.250 9.550 37.250
Utsch, Shannon XS 2021-04-09 9.200 9.450 9.075 9.250 36.200
Van Der Hoeven, Emma 5 2011-11-18 9.300 9.500 9.475 9.275 36.650
Van Der Hoeven, Emma 5 2011-11-05 9.050 9.350 9.300 9.175 35.425
Van Der, Emma 5 2010-03-12 9.100 9.300 8.750 8.700 35.075
VanDerHoeven, Emma 5 2011-09-30 7.950 9.300 8.625 9.100 34.975
Varnedoe, Claudia 8 2012-02-17 8.800 9.100 9.175 8.950 36.000
Vaugh, Grace PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Vega, Priscilla A3 2020-02-29 9.350 9.200 9.550 9.000 36.250
Velasquez, Caitlin 5 2015-12-13 8.600 7.850 8.850 8.650 33.950
Vereen, Lauren 4 2016-11-18 9.450 9.400 9.500 9.400 37.000
Vernadoe, Claudia 8 2012-01-06 6.175 8.550 9.175 8.850 32.750
Villamar, Alexandra XB 2017-11-17 9.100 8.800 9.300 8.950 35.525
Vincent, Madison 2 2015-12-13 8.700 9.000 8.850 9.150 35.700
Vindigni, Addison A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Vining, Leah 10 2006-02-17 8.950 8.050 8.725 7.500 33.225
Volz, Kathryn 4 2012-10-20 8.925 6.850 8.200 8.000 31.775
Vyneman, Alex 5 2010-08-28 9.475 9.450 8.825 9.150 36.000
Vyneman, Alex 6 2014-03-29 9.250 9.350 9.350 8.975 36.000
Wade, Ryleigh PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Waits, Ansley XS 2024-04-12 9.175 9.425 9.350 9.450 36.875
Wallace, Caroline P1 2013-03-30 8.750 9.250 8.800 8.750 35.550
Walls, Chloe 7 2017-04-20 9.600 9.600 9.550 9.550 37.800
Walls, Lily XB 2017-11-17 9.300 9.600 9.550 9.275 37.250
Warshaw, Lexie 8 2018-02-08 9.275 9.575 9.600 9.650 37.075
Wasilewski, Claire 3 2021-02-05 7.150 7.525 8.200 7.500 30.375
Wasilewski, Klaire SE 2022-04-29 9.475 9.500 9.600 9.700 37.850
Weber, Cassidy 5 2010-08-28 9.150 8.850 9.375 9.200 36.325
Weber, Cassidy 5 2010-11-19 8.550 8.700 9.475 9.000 35.475
Whitaker, Nylah PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
White, Reagan 4 2017-11-17 9.450 9.525 9.575 9.425 37.425
Whitley, Peyton XG 2016-05-12 8.750 8.950 9.225 9.375 35.950
Whittle, Avery AG 2020-02-29 8.675 7.750 8.750 8.900 32.750
Whitton, Isabelle 3N 2011-04-16 8.600 8.925 9.050 9.100 34.875
Wiersma, Addison XS 2015-11-13 9.150 9.325 8.950 9.375 36.500
Wild, Nicole 6 2014-03-29 9.150 9.300 9.225 9.550 35.750
Wilder, Mackenzie 3E 2011-04-16 9.325 9.575 9.575 9.400 37.875
Wilder, Mackenzie 5 2012-05-05 9.425 9.050 8.900 9.125 36.100
Willinghan, Morgan 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Wilson, Sophia 7 2015-03-27 9.425 9.350 9.700 9.325 37.200
Wilson, Zoe PB 2013-03-30 8.850 9.100 8.275 8.450 34.675
Winokur, Jamie 9 2006-04-21 8.950 8.700 8.175 9.250 34.900
Wisniewski, Ezzie XP 2018-04-26 9.600 9.525 9.150 9.625 37.150
Wood, Lydia AB 2015-04-25 8.450 8.800 9.250 8.875 34.925
Woodham, Cassidy 8 2022-03-04 9.550 9.425 9.575 9.700 37.825
Worthy, Lauren 6 2010-02-04 8.925 0.000 8.725 8.650 26.300
Worthy, Lauren 7 2012-03-30 9.225 9.250 9.450 9.250 36.375
Wright, Natalie A3 2013-03-30 9.150 9.150 9.150 9.150 36.600
Wright, Pam 8 2009-04-24 9.700 8.825 9.425 9.600 37.025
Yeager, Elizabeth XS 2023-04-14 9.250 9.325 9.400 9.300 36.725
York, Daphne AB 2023-02-17 8.900 9.125 9.275 9.225 36.525
Young, Hailee 10 2010-05-09 9.225 9.450 9.300 9.300 36.750
Young, Haylee 10 2010-02-27 9.050 9.350 9.400 9.250 36.375
Young, Molly 8 2010-02-27 9.300 9.325 9.175 9.250 36.750
Young, Molly 8 2010-04-16 9.575 9.550 9.500 9.250 37.350
Ziemer, Sophia 3 2014-03-29 9.100 9.075 8.850 8.825 35.850
Team Records
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2 28.200
3 28.325
4 29.075
5 28.850
6 28.725
7 29.050
8 28.775
9 28.200
10 28.875
XB 28.400
XS 29.175
XG 28.150
XP 28.875
XD 27.575
Individual Records
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2 9.475
Emma Coffin
Katie Menear
Ezzie Wisniewski
Christina Avritt
Alyssa Hubbard
Payton Kelly
Katie Menear
Alyssa Hubbard
Madison Vincent
Christina Avritt
3 9.500
Chloe Walls
Blythe Noyes
Ashleigh Burmester
Emmie Mcgrath
Blythe Noyes
Natalie Madigan
4 9.750
Mishell LeFavre
Bryce Manuel
Kennedy Mainella
Kaitlyn Manderano
Maddie Bagtas
Zoe Allen Ferrer
Kennedy Mainella
5 9.650
Loren Caudell
Meagan Livingston
Patty-Rose Galloway
Sophia Wilson
Evie Kirk
Jordan Miller
6 9.675
Brooke Buckner
Molly Froman
Isabelle Roberts
Blythe Noyes
Riley Noyes
Evie Kirk
7 9.800
Angelina Morrel
Molly Froman
Seria Johnson
Brianna Hyatt
Brianna Hyatt
8 9.700
Abbie Kirday
Pam Wright
Evie Kirk
Callie Butler
Callie Butler
Kayleigh Clark
9 9.750
Seria Johnson
Gabrielle Mautner
Gabriela Alvarez
Alejandra Alvarez
Zion Lewis
Gabriela Alvarez
Charlie Montgomery
10 9.775
Milan Ivory
Marielle Mitchell
Ava Harper
Milan Ivory
Rebekah Bennetts
XB 9.600
Elliana Ballard
Elliana Ballard
Elliana Ballard
Rosemary Daumeyer
Elliana Ballard
XS 9.800
Kaitlyn Manderano
Savannah Green
Addison Kirchner
Kaylie Torres
Macy Mitchell
Kaylie Torres
Kaylie Torres
XG 9.675
Jadyn DePaolo
Sofia Leister
Madeline Roberts
Juliette McCauley
Charlotte Cranford
Juliette McCauley
Juliette McCauley
XP 9.650
Ghabbie Bagtas
Ally Lubbers
Kaci Franklin
Maggie Cranford
Juliette McCauley
Paylin Barnett
XD 9.375
Dara DePaolo
Lucy McDonough
Cassidy Woodham
Cassidy Woodham
Cassidy Woodham
Gymnasts on 2024 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Barnett, Paylin XP 9.825 38.400
Torres, Kaylie XS 9.900
Gymnasts on 2023 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
McCauley, Juliette XG 9.900
Gymnasts on 2022 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Montgomery, Charlie 8 9.750
Gymnasts on 2019 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Mautner, Gabrielle 9 9.700
Woodham, Cassidy XD 9.700 37.825
Gymnasts on 2018 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
-Neal Knight, Sarah XP 9.700
Bagtas, Ghabbie XP 9.650
Franklin, Kaci XP 9.875
Johnson, Seria 9 9.750
Moore, Hadley XP 9.700
Gymnasts on 2017 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Lubbers, Ally XP 9.650
Gymnasts on 2016 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Bush, Madison XS 9.775
Butler, Callie 8 9.750 9.875
Kirk, Evie 5 9.750
Manderano, Kaitlyn XS 9.800
Gymnasts on 2015 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Barros, Sydney 8 38.325
Gymnasts on 2014 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Clark, Kayleigh 8 38.575
Kirday, Abbie 8 9.700
Gymnasts on 2013 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Buckner, Brooke 6 9.675
Johnson, Seria 7 9.800
Gymnasts on 2011 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Lewis, Zion 9 9.625
Gymnasts on 2010 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Ivory, Milan 10 9.750
Gymnasts on 2009 America's Top 100
Name Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
Locher, Miranda 8 9.700
Wright, Pam 8 9.700