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Lucy Atkinson, Flyaways Gold Gymnastics -
Lucy Atkinson
Flyaways Gold Gymnastics
Personal Bests
Level Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
3 8.925 7.750 7.200 8.100 31.800
4 7.950 8.875 8.350 8.775 33.775
5 8.400 8.500 7.850 8.525 33.275
6 9.250 9.075 9.150 9.525 36.450
7 8.950 8.125 8.600 9.200 34.150
8 8.625 8.250 8.900 9.150 33.950
SL 7.650 8.825 7.550 8.050 32.075
SV 7.700 8.600 7.800 8.350 32.450
XG 8.900 8.800 8.750 9.200 35.650
XS 7.800 8.600 8.250 8.200 32.850
Meet Scores
Date Meet Team Session Level Division Vault Bars Beam Floor AA
2023-03-24 MN State Championships Flyaways Gymnastics S01 8 Sr C 8.625 21 8.625 24
2023-02-17 2023 Twisted Moose Flyaways Gymnastics 13C 8 SR 16+ 7.800 7 0.000 7T 8.850 5T 7.650 7 24.300 7
2023-02-03 Pikes Peak Cup 2023 Flyaways Gymnastics 6 8 Senior 7.900 11 0.000 11T 6.900 12 8.750 10 23.550 11
2023-01-21 Twin Cities Invite Flyaways Gymnastics 4 8 Sr A 7.500 13 0.000 16T 8.300 7 7.675 18 23.475 16
2023-01-06 MWT Safari Meet - WI Dells 2023 Flyaways Gymnastics B04 8 Senior B 7.250 12 0.000 13T 8.575 10 9.025 5 24.850 12
2022-03-18 2022 Optional and Xcel Minnesota State Champi Flyaways Gymnastics S7 8 Sr C 8.100 15 6.650 19 8.675 10 8.950 11T 32.375 18
2022-02-25 2022 Charleston Cup Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 06A 8 Sr A 7.850 16 4.900 16 8.250 10 8.825 11 29.825 16
2022-02-18 Twisted Moose Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 11C 8 SR 15+ 8.625 6 7.475 9 7.250 12 9.075 6 32.425 10
2022-02-04 2022 Classic Spectacular Flyaways Gymnastics 2 8 Sr 7.100 16 7.250 7 8.725 9 8.950 13T 32.025 10
2022-01-28 Legacy Luau Invitational Flyaways Gymnastics 06 8 Senior 7.700 13 6.100 15 8.900 4 8.725 7T 31.425 14
2022-01-07 Gopher Invite Flyaways Gymnastics 2 8 Senior 8.000 9 8.250 4 8.550 4 9.150 4 33.950 5
2021-12-17 Holiday Spirit Invite 2021 Flyaways Gymnastics 2 8 JrB 7.750 8 7.900 6 8.325 5 9.025 3 33.000 5
2021-03-19 2021 MN Optional & XG-XP State Meet Flyaways Gymnastics 12M 8 Sr C 7.700 16 7.825 13 8.650 11 8.975 9 33.150 12
2021-03-05 26th Annual Northern Lights Classic Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 12M 8 14 older 7.550 16 8.000 13 7.950 18 9.150 4T 32.650 13T
2021-02-19 2021 Twisted Moose Gymnastics Meet Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 13C 8 SR 15+ 8.400 5 7.875 10 7.625 14 8.550 12 32.450 10
2021-02-05 2021 Gopher Invite Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 06 8 Senior 8.300 8T 7.350 15 8.425 7 8.375 16 32.450 14
2021-01-23 Twin Cities Invite Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 6 8 Senior 8.200 5 7.600 4 6.750 8 8.925 5 31.475 3
2020-02-15 2020 Gina Morri Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 1-B 7 13 and Up 8.250 17T 8.125 7 8.400 13 8.775 13 33.550 10
2020-02-07 Arizona Sunrays Classic Rock Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 04B 7 Sr B 8.500 9 8.000 8 8.600 7 9.050 6T 34.150 8
2020-01-17 Chow's 17th Annual Winter Classic Invitationa Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 2R1 7 Sr C 8.950 8T 5.200 10 8.000 10 9.200 3 31.350 10
2020-01-10 Gopher JO Invite Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 5 7 Jr C 8.725 7T 7.900 11 7.800 13 9.000 12 33.425 11
2019-12-14 M&M Frozen Competition 2019 Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 2 7 13+ 8.675 5 7.450 8 7.150 10 8.725 8 32.000 9
2019-03-22 2019 Minnesota 6,7,8,9,10,XG,XP,XD State Championships Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 6 6 Sr D 8.800 5 9.075 1T 8.950 6 9.150 4 35.975 4
2019-03-01 24th Annual Northern Lights Classic Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 31S 6 13 + 8.600 5T 8.600 8T 8.900 5T 8.925 7 35.025 5
2019-02-16 Magical Classic Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 5C 6 S5CL6G4 9.250 5T 8.700 6 8.975 10 9.525 1 36.450 5
2019-02-01 Classic Spectacular Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 1E 6 Sr A 8.450 7 8.725 5 8.675 7 9.450 2T 35.300 3
2019-01-25 Legacy Luau Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 03 6 Sr B 8.350 9 8.575 8 9.050 8T 9.325 1T 35.300 3
2018-12-15 2018 Holiday Spirit Invite Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 1 6 12+ 8.700 5T 8.525 7 9.150 6 9.400 1 35.775 4
2018-03-22 2018 MN State Championships Flyaways Gold Gymnastics M7 6 12 8.500 21 7.550 26 8.925 17 8.900 20T 33.875 22
2018-02-16 2018 Gina Morri Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 5B 6 11 + 12 yr 8.275 19 8.550 15 8.525 13 8.900 13 34.250 17
2018-02-08 Hal's Harley-Davidson Invite Womens Flyaways Gold Gymnastics O09 6 12 b 8.050 8 8.250 6T 7.600 11 9.200 9 33.100 9
2018-01-18 Legacy Luau Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 7 6 Senior 8.050 14 8.600 9 7.775 15 9.050 4 33.475 14
2018-01-05 Gopher JO Invite Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 1 6 12 yrs 7.600 17 7.575 10 6.650 18 8.800 12T 30.625 17
2017-11-30 28th Annual Peppermint Twist Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 23M 6 Age 12+ 8.450 15 7.250 18 8.700 13T 9.275 12T 33.675 17
2017-10-28 Ghost & Goblin Invitational Flyaways Gold Gymnastics 3 5 Age 12+ 8.400 12 8.500 3 7.850 11 8.525 5 33.275 6
2017-02-17 2017 Gina Morri Invitational Midwest Gymnastics Center MC3 XG 11 yrs. 8.900 31T 8.800 29 8.750 34T 9.200 11T 35.650 28T
2016-12-09 2016 Minnesota Compulsory State Championships Midwest Gymnastics Center 3 4 11 yrs 7.500 36 7.975 28 7.750 31 8.450 22 31.675 30
2016-11-04 2016 Fall Spectacular Midwest Gymnastics Center 2 4 11+ yrs. 7.950 9T 8.700 2 8.350 5 8.775 1 33.775 2
2016-10-21 2016 Harvest Invitational Midwest Gymnastics Center 1 4 11 & up 7.650 9 8.150 5 6.950 9 8.200 7 30.950 7
2016-10-08 Razzle Dazzle Invite Midwest Gymnastics Center 2 4 11-Up 7.500 17 8.300 10T 7.600 18T 7.950 5T 31.350 12T
2016-09-24 2016 Piper Preview Midwest Gymnastics Center 2 4 11 & over 0.000 22T 8.875 8 7.425 22 8.525 11 24.825 22
2015-11-06 2015 Classic Fall Spectacular Midwest Gymnastics Center 5 4 10 yrs 7.650 15 7.950 10 7.450 15 8.125 11T 31.175 12
2015-10-10 Razzle Dazzle Invite Midwest Gymnastics Center 2 4 7-10yrs 7.500 22 6.650 23 7.400 24 7.200 23T 28.750 23
2015-09-25 2015 Piper Preview Midwest Gymnastics Center 2 4 Age 10+ 7.450 18T 0.000 19* 7.650 18T 7.450 15 22.550 18T
2015-02-13 Gina Morri Invitational Midwest Gymnastics Center 6 3 All Ages 8.750 26T 7.750 20 7.200 29 8.100 23 31.800 26
2014-12-12 2014 Minnesota Level 3 State Meet Midwest Gymnastics Center 1 3 All Ages 8.800 59T 7.500 79T 7.150 90T 8.050 69T 31.500 83
2014-11-14 Turkey Tumble Midwest Gymnastics Center 1A,1B 3 All 8.925 62T 7.100 81 7.000 81T 7.950 72T 30.975 81
2014-11-01 Fall Spectacular 2014 Midwest Gymnastics Center 1 3 N/A 8.850 66T 7.000 76 7.000 72 7.825 70T 30.675 73T
2014-10-11 Razzle Dazzle Invite Midwest Gymnastics Center 1 3 All 8.550 43T 6.250 47 5.850 52 7.300 48T 27.950 50T
2014-09-27 Piper Preview Invitational Midwest Gymnastics Center 5 3 9+ 8.600 15 0.000 21T 6.350 20 7.800 19 22.750 21
2014-04-25 2014 Minnesota XCEL State Meet Midwest Gymnastics Center 8A,8B SL Ch 6-8 7.650 17T 8.825 14 7.550 17 8.050 15 32.075 18
2014-04-05 X-Factor Invite Midwest Gymnastics Center Multiple Sessions Combined XS Level S - 6-8 7.800 14T 8.600 9T 8.250 15 8.200 14 32.850 13
2014-02-14 The Gina Morri Memorial Meet Midwest Gymnastics Center All Sessions Combined SV 7-8 7.700 11 8.600 11 7.800 11 8.350 10 32.450 11